Saturday, February 21, 2015

Midterms are in!

The organization Association Guinéenne d’Eveil au Développement Durable (AGEDD) of 
Maferinyah, Forecariah has submitted their midterm report. They are lead by the PC Guinea Agroforestry program manager Abdoul Khaligi Diallo. This month they successfully completed their project . The Forecariah region is known by the media for the resistance against Ebola aid work. With the help of local people and grants funded by NPCA progress has been made convincing populations about the reality of the disease.

The group lead 56 education sessions, distributed 639 sanitation kits educating 793 households, and trained 33 volunteers. Diallo credits the success of the program to the participation of the whole community. From religious leaders, farm workers, to students and their parents, everyone did their own part to mobilize people and share information about Ebola. The organization also asked recovered Ebola victims to share their stories, helping educate other community members to understand their struggle. They were also able to see recovery is possible and move towards reintegration. See pictures below from AGEDD's project!

The Ebola Relief Steering committee meets this upcoming week to decide on Round 3 recipients. In the Guinea pool, an interesting surveillance project has been proposed. The project would train community members to detect Ebola cases and alert authorities to begin proper health protocols.

More updates to come with the remaining midterm reports of Round 1 and 2. 

Ebola victim speaking at education session.

Volunteer coordinators


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